The Four Laws of Culture

In thinking about the area of strategic leadership, it’s important to understand that being strategic about your organizational culture is as important as being strategic about marketing, the product or the service your company provides. Executing on your strategic plans is primarily a product of the company culture. To use my friend Jim Eaton’s language [...]

The Four Laws of Culture2019-03-18T16:30:18+00:00

Mind the Gap – Christian Economic Forum

The Four Essential(S) for Guaranteed Execution and Lasting Value Get Article Here T homas Edison once said, “Vision without execution is hallucination.” If this statement is accurate then most organizations never reach their ideal destination as only 10% successfully manage to implement their strategies on a consistent basis.1 So what lies at the root [...]

Mind the Gap – Christian Economic Forum2019-02-21T23:18:59+00:00